How To Apply Diquat To A Pond
Alligare Diquat Herbicide, manufactured by Alligare, is a mail-emergent herbicide used to control weeds on both dry land and aquatic sites. It is ideal to utilise in ponds, lakes, or marshes to keep unwanted vegetation from taking over.
The active ingredient, Diquat Dibromide 37.3%, can command submerged growing weeds, subsurface growing weeds, and weeds growing on the lesser of bodies of water. Diquat Herbicide can likewise be used to control for weeds on land such as pastures and along fence lines.
This versatile herbicide tin can be applied effectually remote areas or shut to residential areas and private homes. Alligare Diquat Herbicide can be applied as a circulate spray to impale weeds in large areas at one time or every bit a spot treatment to kill weeds in smaller areas without damaging surrounding plants.
Tools Needed
To utilize Alligare Diquat Herbicide, you will need a handheld pump sprayer, backpack sprayer or sideslip sprayer. We advise a sprayer with an adaptable tip nozzle to make effective applications.
How to Apply
- Step ane: Figure out how much Diquat Herbicide you lot need, by determining the size of the treatment area. To practice this, measure and multiply length x width to get the total square footage to be treated for land. For aquatic applications, you will need to calculate the surface area by measuring length x width and the volume of your swimming or h2o body by measuring length x width x depth. For broadcast applications to ponds, we recommend using 1 to 2 pints of Diquat per 15 gallons of water per acre. For small country applications, you tin can use 0.75 fl. oz. of Diquat Herbicide per gallon of water to cover i,000 sq. ft. For example, if you were treating your 2,000 sq. ft. residential mural, y'all will need 1.50 fl. oz. of Diquat mixed in 2 gallons of water.
- Footstep 2: For pump sprayer or backpack sprayer applications, add 1/3 to 1/4 of the water to the spray tank first, then add together the right amount of Diquat Herbicide. When applying Diquat Herbicide always mix with an canonical surfactant (such every bit Alligare 90) per the characterization instructions. Add the residuum of the water to the sprayer and mix well.
- Step iii: On a fan spray nozzle setting, use the Diquat to the target areas until they are completely wet simply making sure not to spray to the point of runoff. Additional applications may be needed if treating densely packed weeds or mats. Within 2 weeks make another application if needed.
Where to Use
Alligare Diquat Herbicide tin be used on land or in various aquatic areas. On land it can be applied along roadsides, fence lines, parks, golf courses, subcontract yards, storage areas, commercial and residential landscapes, and dry non-flooding areas. Approved aquatic areas are ponds, drainage ditches, canals, streams, rivers, and other still or slow-moving bodies of water.
When to Employ
Apply Alligare Diquat Herbicide when weeds are actively growing. This is typically when h2o temperatures are most 50°F or more than, (this occurs usually in the Spring or early Summer). Spray on a mean solar day when information technology is not windy to reduce the chances of drift. It is platonic to use before weeds attain 6 inches in acme. Use college rates when weeds are big and dense.
Safety Data
Alligare Diquat Herbicide is safe to employ around pets, livestock animals and children when applied according to the product label. Always clothing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing or making applications. Do non enter land areas until the treatment has dried and do non enter aquatic areas while the treatment is occurring.
Special Considerations
Before applying Alligare Diquat Herbicide contact Fish and Game Agencies, State H2o Conservation authorities or the Department of Natural Resource and exist sure to have all of the necessary approval or permits.
Boosted Information
Availability | Online |
Restricted Use | No |
Shipping Restrictions | AK, CA, CT, How-do-you-do, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, VT, WA |
Brand | ALLIGARE |
Keith's Pro Tip | "Alligare Diquat Herbicide is a not-selective herbicide and volition kill most vegetation types it comes in contact with. To protect desired vegetation, do not make applications during windy conditions and adjust the spray nozzle for a stream spray for a more than concentrated application." |
Product Drawbacks | Alligare Diquat Dibromide cannot be directly practical or just poured into bodies of water to apply treatments and requires strict awarding directions. For easier water applications to command water weeds we suggest using Fluridone RTU or Vision Swimming Dye |
Target Pests | Alligare Diquat Dibromide Aquatic Herbicide controls and kills the following weeds found in and around bodies of h2o: bladderwort, hydrilla, watermilfoils, pondweeds, coontail, elodea, Brazilian elodea, naiad, algae, h2o lettuce, h2o hyacinth, duckweed, salvinia, pennywort, frog's chip, cattails, and more. Alligare Diquat Dibromide Aquatic Herbicide controls and kills the following state weeds: little barley, annual bluegrass, rescue grass, sixweeds fescue, henbit, buttercup, and Carolina geranium, and more. |
Application Equipment | Backpack Sprayer, Gloves, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig |
Awarding Methods | Broadcast Spray, Crack & Crack, Spot Handling |
Active Ingredient | Diquat Dibromide 37.3% |
Chemical Blazon | Herbicide |
Formulation | Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) |
Mix Rate | Alligare Diquat Herbicide can be used at a rate of 0.75 ounces per gallon of water for state applications. For aquatic applications, 1 to two pints of Diquat should be applied in xv gallons of water per acre. Delight refer to the label for more specific application rates. |
Shelf Life | Alligare Diquat Herbicide will final 3 years when stored according the production characterization. Store Alligare Diquat Dibromide Aquatic Herbicide in a cool, dry storage surface area in its original container. |
Yield | Each gallon of Alligare Diquat Herbicide will treat up to 1 acre of surface area for a body of water. For land applications, each gallon of Alligare Diquat Herbicide will care for 2-3 acres. |
Use Sites | Outdoors |
Fourth dimension to Impale | Alligare Diquat Herbicide absorbs into the areas on the weed that is sprayed. Inside a couple of days weeds brainstorm to die. |
Comparable Products | Reward Herbicide, Aqua Pro, Rodeo Aquatic Herbicide |
EPA Registration No. | 81927-35 |
iv.viii / five.0
36 Reviews
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Yes (25)
Diquat on cattails
I used this on my cattails in my field. I accept used every herbicide I could observe on them only to look dead but however growing strong.
So far, after spraying them with Diquat just a calendar week ago, they turned a dead orangish color and are falling over.
I'thousand hoping information technology volition kill the root as well.
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May 31, 2021
ane yr ago
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Dandy production. It is working really well. Pond was almost overgrown. Sprayed around edges. Came dorsum v days afterward every thing I had sprayed was brown or dead..I had tried several other sprays but this stuff really worked.
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May ten, 2020
over 2 years ago
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Slap-up product performs at or above every bit stated.
I was originally skeptical most this product every bit my pond has been habitually completely covered with duckweed. I mixed 1 ounce of diquat solution with i gallon of water and three tablespoons of dishwashing liquid in a pressure sprayer and striking the duckweed and shore vegetation. Inside 3 hours, in that location was significant wilting on the shore vegetation. Within 24 hours the duckweed that was sprayed died and turned brown and the remaining shore vegetation was completely dead. There was no visible consequence on fish, reptiles or amphibians. I'one thousand going to buy another quart and care for the swimming upstream from mine, as it's completely covered with duckweed also. I would definitely recommend this product!
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July 15, 2019
over 3 years agone
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True cat tails
I had cattails emerging in late flavour. I applied with a manus sprayer. It took a couple weeks but this stuff killed them. I will definitely apply this in the bound.
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Oct 27, 2018
over 4 years agone
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Aforementioned great production for a fraction of what big subcontract stores charge!
Diquat is great contact killer of unwanted plants in (on the surface) and around your pond/lake, or on country. Compared to Ag shop prices over $fifty/qt, SOLUTIONS is a great bargain. I will definitely look to them start for all my chemical needs. Fast gild processing and delivery likewise!
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September 24, 2018
over 4 years ago
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Very effective herbicide for control of algae and other plants. Outstanding client service and technical back up. I would highly recommend Solutions for all your Pest control supplies.
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Baronial 9, 2018
over four years ago
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Works very well. I mix this with my Cutrine plus to give it a trivial boost when speaking for algae in my pond. I too mix a piffling in with my Roundup when spraying weeds in the k.
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July 18, 2018
over iv years agone
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It is toxicant pay attention to utilise
Worked on lilly pads in 1 twenty-four hours, admittedly amazed, difficult instructions, used eight OZ to ii gals water worked very well, best on a sunny afternoon merely before nightfall weeds expressionless next day
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June 26, 2018
over 4 years ago
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Like shooting fish in a barrel to apply and very effective.
I have tried many products over the years but none have worked out well as Diquat. After merely iii days after application, my infestation of musquito fern was eliminated. It also killed some of the aquatic weeds that were growing at the pond's edge. There were no bug or injuries to anything desirable (leaf or fish or frogs).
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June 17, 2018
over 4 years ago
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Worked Keen
it works slap-up but was pricey---withal you go what you pay for and this stuff really works better than other products i tried---wear goggles, gloves, and long sleeves and pants when applying because this product was stiff and gave results within 48 hours
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May 31, 2018
over 4 years agone
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Great customer service
I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet but hopefully information technology works well on our duckweed issues. The container leaked during delivery and I permit customer service know. They were extremely responsive and helpful. I won't hesitate to use them over again.
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January 25, 2021
1 yr ago
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Pond Algae
Thought that information technology did a groovy job. I may need one more application. Will accept to wait and encounter in a few weeks. Information technology had an immediate consequence within one week like it stated.
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June four, 2018
over iv years ago
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Browse 79 questions Browse 79 questions and 106 answers
Does diquat piece of work on submerged algae if sprayed on summit of pond?
BEST ANSWER: Submersed Weeds Controlled or Suppressed
Bladderwort, Utricularia spp.
Hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata
Watermilfoils (including Eurasian), Myriophyllum spp.
Pondweeds, Potamogeton spp.
Coontail, Ceratophyllum demersum
Elodea, Elodea spp.
Brazilian Elodea, Egeria densa
Naiad, Najas spp.
Algae, Spirogyra spp. and Pithophora spp.
- Respond(1)
- Inaccurate
- Pest Guide Staff on May 11, 2018
I simply want to exist sure ok to apply Diquat
To my sub merged weeds with liquid spraying thx. Jerry
- Answer (1)
- Rupie on May fourteen, 2018
Alligare Diquat Herbicide controls the listed submerged weeds from application by surface,
subsurface, and lesser placement applications. Enhanced weed control may be obtained in
situations where severe weed or algae infestations are constitute: utilise an approved algaecide
either equally a pretreatment to an Alligare Diquat Herbicide application, or as a tank mix with
Alligare Diquat Herbicide.
- Reply
- Pest Guide Staff on May 31, 2018
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- I Take This Question As well (34)
BEST Reply: Submersed Weeds Controlled or Suppressed
Bladderwort, Utricularia spp.
Hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata
Watermilfoils (including Eurasian), Myriophyllum spp.
Pondweeds, Potamogeton spp.
Coontail, Ceratophyllum demersum
Elodea, Elodea spp.
Brazilian Elodea, Egeria densa
Naiad, Najas spp.
Algae, Spirogyra spp. and Pithophora spp.
- Answer(1)
- Inaccurate
- Pest Guide Staff on May xi, 2018
I only want to exist certain ok to utilise Diquat
To my sub merged weeds with liquid spraying thx. Jerry
- Reply (1)
- Rupie on May 14, 2018
Alligare Diquat Herbicide controls the listed submerged weeds from application by surface,
subsurface, and lesser placement applications. Enhanced weed control may be obtained in
situations where severe weed or algae infestations are found: use an approved algaecide
either as a pretreatment to an Alligare Diquat Herbicide awarding, or every bit a tank mix with
Alligare Diquat Herbicide.
- Reply
- Pest Guide Staff on May 31, 2018
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Best Answer: Yes, follow the instructions on the label for proper application to foreclose whatsoever impairment to the fish. Treat a one/4 of the body of water at a fourth dimension to foreclose a high oxygen depletion.
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- Zee on Jun 7, 2017
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For killing bladderwort in my swimming what is the mix ratio
BEST ANSWER: To impale bladderwort the application rate for diquat will depend on the boilerplate depth of the pond. For a pond that averages 4' deep you would employ one gallon per surface acre. For a pond that averages viii' deep you lot would apply 2 gallons per surface acre. I hope this helps.
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- Solutions on May ii, 2016
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Best Answer: To kill bladderwort the application charge per unit for diquat volition depend on the average depth of the pond. For a pond that averages 4' deep you would use one gallon per surface acre. For a pond that averages 8' deep you would employ ii gallons per surface acre. I hope this helps.
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- Solutions on May 2, 2016
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I am needing to impale Lilly pads on my lake. Roughly 7 acres. What product will piece of work the all-time at the best value? I will be spraying these in the autumn as sometimes our temps practise not get low enough to kill them until December/January fourth dimension period.
BEST ANSWER: I used Diquat to kill duck weed on my i acre swimming. While I did see some turn brownish, information technology did not reduce the overall duck weed that nevertheless covers the pond.
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- walt on Sep 24, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 6, 2018
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BEST ANSWER: I used Diquat to impale duck weed on my one acre pond. While I did run across some plow chocolate-brown, information technology did not reduce the overall duck weed that nonetheless covers the pond.
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- walt on Sep 24, 2018
- Purchased on Jun 6, 2018
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All-time Respond: I believe that 24 hours is the minimum time. Enter an respond to this question.
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- Robert Due south on Mar sixteen, 2020
- Purchased on May 23, 2018
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What is the mixing ratio for a pump sprayer for handling along shoreline? Water is <2' deep. Thanks for the assistance.
BEST ANSWER: Spot Treatment:
0.5 ounces per gallon of water
Awarding Rates: 2 quarts Alligare Diquat Herbicide per 100 gallons spray carrier
(0.5% solution) plus 0.25-1.0% v/v (1 quart to i gallon per 100 gallons water) of an
approved aquatic wetting agent.
For cattail command: Apply Alligare Diquat Herbicide before flowering at 8
quarts of Alligare Diquat Herbicide /100 gallons spray carrier (the maximum
application rate) plus the wetting agent. Make echo applications if needed for
complete control.
Application Directions: Apply spray solutions to wet completely the target weeds.
Practise non spray to runoff. Boosted applications may exist needed if treating denselypacked
weeds or mats. All-time results are obtained for weed escapes if repeat
applications are made within 2 weeks of the first treatment.
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- Pest Guide Staff on May 21, 2018
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BEST ANSWER: Spot Treatment:
0.5 ounces per gallon of h2o
Application Rates: 2 quarts Alligare Diquat Herbicide per 100 gallons spray carrier
(0.5% solution) plus 0.25-1.0% v/five (ane quart to 1 gallon per 100 gallons water) of an
approved aquatic wetting agent.
For cattail control: Apply Alligare Diquat Herbicide before flowering at 8
quarts of Alligare Diquat Herbicide /100 gallons spray carrier (the maximum
application charge per unit) plus the wetting agent. Brand repeat applications if needed for
complete command.
Application Directions: Apply spray solutions to moisture completely the target weeds.
Do not spray to runoff. Additional applications may be needed if treating denselypacked
weeds or mats. Best results are obtained for weed escapes if repeat
applications are made within 2 weeks of the first handling.
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- Inaccurate
- Pest Guide Staff on May 21, 2018
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We take dandelions in the lawn, nether an sometime ash tree. Diquat has been recommended as a contact herbicide. Is this a skilful application ?
All-time ANSWER: Diquat is a defoliant. Defoliants per se don't kill the plant and is non systemic. It simply deprives it of its leaves for a while. Diquat application would have the same results equally just grabbing the plant and breaking it off at the root. We know what happens with that. A better solution would exist to spray the offending weed with an appropriate pesticide such as Ortho Weed B Gon or whatsoever systemic broadleaf weed killer.Enter an answer to this question.
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- Shaun A on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on May xi, 2017
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Best Respond: Diquat is a defoliant. Defoliants per se don't kill the plant and is non systemic. It merely deprives information technology of its leaves for a while. Diquat application would have the aforementioned results as simply grabbing the plant and breaking information technology off at the root. Nosotros know what happens with that. A better solution would be to spray the offending weed with an advisable pesticide such as Ortho Weed B Gon or any systemic broadleaf weed killer.Enter an reply to this question.
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- Shaun A on Apr 27, 2018
- Purchased on May xi, 2017
It volition sure take them out, and everything else. It is a burn down and does non always kill the root. I would propose 24-d every bit it will not kill other desirable plants.
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- Jeff F on Apr 28, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 27, 2017
24D is the best and most economical for just dandys. If yous take other broadleaf weeds there, triplet or trimec works all-time.
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- 5 R Southward on April 27, 2018
- Purchased on October 12, 2017
it's really for aquatic applications..not lawns
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- Thomas L on April 28, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 15, 2017
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Is it safe for a fishing area?
BEST Respond: From Wisconcin Dept of Natural Resources:
Mail-Treatment Water Utilize
There are no restrictions on swimming or
eating fish from water bodies treated with diquat.
Treated water should not exist used for drinking
water for one to three days, depending on the
concentration used in the treatment. Do not apply
treated water for pet or livestock drinking h2o
for one mean solar day following treatment. The irrigation
restriction for nutrient crops is v days, and for
ornamental plants or lawn/turf, it varies from one
to 3 days depending on the concentration
Mail service-Treatment Water Use
There are no restrictions on swimming or
eating fish from h2o bodies treated with diquat.
Treated water should not be used for drinking
water for one to three days, depending on the
concentration used in the handling. Do not use
treated water for pet or livestock drinking water
for ane solar day following treatment. The irrigation
restriction for food crops is five days, and for
ornamental plants or lawn/turf, it varies from one
to iii days depending on the concentration
- Reply
- Inaccurate
- William Eastward on Jul 29, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 15, 2017
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BEST Answer: From Wisconcin Dept of Natural Resources:
Postal service-Treatment Water Utilize
At that place are no restrictions on swimming or
eating fish from water bodies treated with diquat.
Treated water should non be used for drinking
water for one to three days, depending on the
concentration used in the handling. Do not employ
treated water for pet or livestock drinking h2o
for one solar day following handling. The irrigation
restriction for food crops is five days, and for
ornamental plants or lawn/turf, information technology varies from ane
to three days depending on the concentration
Post-Handling H2o Use
There are no restrictions on swimming or
eating fish from water bodies treated with diquat.
Treated water should not be used for drinking
water for one to three days, depending on the
concentration used in the treatment. Practise non use
treated water for pet or livestock drinking water
for ane twenty-four hour period post-obit treatment. The irrigation
restriction for food crops is five days, and for
ornamental plants or lawn/turf, information technology varies from i
to iii days depending on the concentration
- Respond
- Inaccurate
- William E on Jul 29, 2019
- Purchased on Jul 15, 2017
Yes I utilise it in pond for moss and around the swimming for weeds. Doesn't hurt fish.
- Answer
- Inaccurate
- Tom D on Jul 29, 2019
- Purchased on Apr 24, 2017
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Does Diquat kill Alligatorweed and if not, what does? I've used Weedtrine D and it stunted the growth for about a calendar month.....waste matter of time and money.
All-time Respond: Worked well for me. Had a huge infestation covering i/2 my pond, used equally directed with the intake water shut off for 24 hours. Plants all died off in week and decomposed and settled out or floated out the pond outlet within two weeks. Had no loss of aquatic life (fish, frog, salamanders and tadpoles) all doing well.
- Answer
- Inaccurate
- Bob on Aug 29, 2017
- Purchased on Aug four, 2017
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Best Answer: Worked well for me. Had a huge infestation covering 1/2 my pond, used equally directed with the intake water shut off for 24 hours. Plants all died off in calendar week and decomposed and settled out or floated out the pond outlet inside two weeks. Had no loss of aquatic life (fish, frog, salamanders and tadpoles) all doing well.
- Reply
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- Bob on Aug 29, 2017
- Purchased on Aug 4, 2017
I have no experience with alligatorweed. Be aware that Diquat is 37% active ingredient-Weedtrine D is the aforementioned chemical just at eight.5%. If nothing else, Diquat is more economical for use on susceptible weeds.
- Respond
- Inaccurate
- Lloyd F on Aug 29, 2017
- Purchased on May 13, 2017
Yes, yous can apply Diquat to kill and eliminate the Alligatorweed, besides Rodeo which is aquatic Glyphosate.
- Answer
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- Weed Expert on Jul 24, 2017
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I have a small-scale swimming for raising koi, which is 14 ft diameter by 3 ft deep. At that place is a heavy growth of weeds at the very lesser of the pond. I am going to care for with diquat. Do I require a surfactant and could diquat/surfactant exist applied past only stirring the water with a large oar?
Alligare Diquat Herbicide
BEST Respond: I accept used the diquat in my pond which is twice as big and two feet deeper without using surfactant and information technology worked well on my dumbo infestation on the bottom of the swimming.
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- Bob on May 28, 2018
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All-time Respond: I have used the diquat in my swimming which is twice as big and two anxiety deeper without using surfactant and it worked well on my dense infestation on the bottom of the pond.
- Answer
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- Bob on May 28, 2018
No surfactant needed. I put diquat in a garden sprayer and spray underwater to penetrate weeds better.
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- Richard H on May 28, 2018
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is diquat a restricted chemical? Do I need a license to buy it
BEST Reply: No, Diquat is not restricted employ chemic. You may want to check with locale regulations in your state to verify there is non whatever application license required. Merely on our terminate this does not require a license to buy.
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- Pest Guide Staff on Jun twenty, 2018
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Best ANSWER: No, Diquat is non restricted use chemical. Y'all may want to check with locale regulations in your land to verify there is not any application license required. But on our end this does non crave a license to buy.
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- Pest Guide Staff on Jun twenty, 2018
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All-time Answer: " common cold" a relative term, but I would await untilwater temp is at least 60 but not likewise long later every bit weeds start really growing after that and you lot best use information technology when growth is young.
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- Thomas Fifty on Mar 15, 2018
- Purchased on Oct fifteen, 2017
for best results use diquat when the water temperature is in a higher place 60 degrees and the aquatic vegetation is active. This will give you better absorption into the plant cell.
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- Mike M on Mar fifteen, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 10, 2017
Difficult to say. Weeds practise not abound in my pond until the water temperature gets to about 65 degrees.
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- Jeff F on Mar fifteen, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 27, 2017
had no luck in cold water. Worked great when swimming was over threescore degrees.
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- ted d on Mar 15, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
No it won't. You demand at least 70 deg information technology seems similar.
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- Ron on Mar xv, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
I never utilize it below a steady55 water temp.Enter
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- Mark E on Mar fifteen, 2018
- Purchased on May six, 2017
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Swimming is used to water livestock. How long after awarding for duckweed to wait earlier water source for livestock?
BEST Reply: 1 to 3 days based on the charge per unit you apply to the pond, 2 gallon per surface acre rate you lot volition need to wait 3 days.
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- Jim E on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on Sep x, 2017
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All-time ANSWER: 1 to iii days based on the rate you employ to the swimming, 2 gallon per surface acre rate yous volition need to wait 3 days.
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- Inaccurate
- Jim East on November 27, 2017
- Purchased on Sep 10, 2017
ane to 3 days based on the rate you utilize to the swimming, 2 gallon per surface acre charge per unit yous volition need to expect 3 days.
- Answer
- Inaccurate
- Pest Guide Staff on November 27, 2017
I was told by my pond skillful 24 hours after treatment water is safe for swimming and watering of livestock
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- V R S on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on October 12, 2017
We take had no problems at all with cattle or deer. I believe the label gave u.s. the ok!
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- Lynn C on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on Mar 12, 2017
In addition, information technology hasn't even hurt the frogs!
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- Lynn C on Nov 27, 2017
- Purchased on Mar 12, 2017
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Will it touch my lawn if application was practical to lake and I gargle my lawn next 24-hour interval?
BEST Respond: I remember there is a warning on the information lable regarding this. Non sure of the number of days ? I would personally wait at least 5 days
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- Ron on Jul twenty, 2018
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BEST Respond: I think there is a warning on the information lable regarding this. Not sure of the number of days ? I would personally wait at least 5 days
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- Ron on Jul xx, 2018
- Purchased on Aug 28, 2017
Depending on volume in pond and flow...I would not recommend information technology for awhile...fifty-fifty a mist blown with the air current volition impale your lawn...
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- Thomas L on Jul 20, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 15, 2017
You lot will need to wait iii days before you irrigate the lawn with the h2o that has had Diquat practical.
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- Pest Guide Staff on Jul 22, 2018
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- DANIEL R on Jul twenty, 2018
- Purchased on Feb 7, 2018
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How much should I use in 1 gal. sprayer?
BEST Reply: Spot Treatment:
Application Rates: 2 quarts Alligare Diquat Herbicide per 100 gallons spray carrier
(0.5% solution) plus 0.25-1.0% 5/v (1 quart to i gallon per 100 gallons water) of an
canonical aquatic wetting agent.
For cattail command: Employ Alligare Diquat Herbicide before flowering at 8
quarts of Alligare Diquat Herbicide /100 gallons spray carrier (the maximum
application rate) plus the wetting agent. Make repeat applications if needed for
complete control.
Application Directions: Apply spray solutions to wet completely the target weeds.
Do not spray to runoff. Boosted applications may exist needed if treating denselypacked
weeds or mats. Best results are obtained for weed escapes if repeat
applications are fabricated inside two weeks of the showtime treatment.
Broadcast Treatment:
Awarding Rates: 0.5 to 2.0 gallons Alligare Diquat Herbicide per surface acre in
sufficient spray carrier plus 16 to 32 oz. per acre of an canonical aquatic wetting agent.
For duckweed control: Apply Alligare Diquat Herbicide at 1-2 gallons/A.
Application Directions: Employ sprays to ensure thorough target weed coverage.
Repeat applications may be necessary for densely populated weed areas.
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- Pest Guide Staff on Jun 28, 2018
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BEST Answer: Spot Handling:
Application Rates: 2 quarts Alligare Diquat Herbicide per 100 gallons spray carrier
approved aquatic wetting amanuensis.
For cattail control: Utilise Alligare Diquat Herbicide before flowering at 8
quarts of Alligare Diquat Herbicide /100 gallons spray carrier (the maximum
application rate) plus the wetting amanuensis. Make echo applications if needed for
consummate control.
Application Directions: Utilise spray solutions to moisture completely the target weeds.
Do non spray to runoff. Additional applications may be needed if treating denselypacked
weeds or mats. Best results are obtained for weed escapes if repeat
applications are made within two weeks of the first treatment.
Broadcast Handling:
Application Rates: 0.5 to ii.0 gallons Alligare Diquat Herbicide per surface acre in
sufficient spray carrier plus xvi to 32 oz. per acre of an approved aquatic wetting agent.
For duckweed control: Apply Alligare Diquat Herbicide at i-two gallons/A.
Application Directions: Apply sprays to ensure thorough target weed coverage.
Repeat applications may be necessary for densely populated weed areas.
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- Pest Guide Staff on Jun 28, 2018
It's better if you apply the guide for weed type and awarding. Starting there, I have settled on 1-one/two to 2
oz. per gallon for spot treatment of aquatic weeds such as duckweed or Azolla. For non aquatic application
I employ 1 -
-oz per gallon
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- David B on Jun 28, 2018
- Purchased on May xviii, 2018
I use i ounce per gallon of water and it is very effective at this ratio.
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- Jeff F on Jun 28, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 27, 2017
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Best ANSWER: We've had ours several years, I'grand sure it has frozen before. Still works!
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- Paradise Garden F on Nov 9, 2022
- Purchased on Mar thirty, 2020
I'thousand non sure, but I would store it at above freezing temps if possible.
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- Richard G on Nov 6, 2022
- Purchased on Apr v, 2020
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BEST ANSWER: I used it to impale weeds and moss in a pond. It killed and the drift killed all weeds, grass and small-scale copse on the shoreline. Do not go it on any plant that you don't want to impale.
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- Billie B on May xi, 2020
- Purchased on Jul iii, 2018
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- katherine h on May 12, 2020
- Purchased on Jul 13, 2018
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All-time Reply: Is it 2 acre feet or 2 acre surface area?
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- V R South on May 30, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 12, 2017
2 acre surface area requires 2 gallons. I just walk the depository financial institution with the wind at my banking company and pour it in a little at a time half way around, it mixes itself only fine. That's more like a lake than a pond.
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- 5 R Due south on Jun 12, 2018
I dont know abourt 2 acres. I have a pond that is about 3/iv of an acre. I use a 15 gallon sprayer with a surflo pump and apply from a boat; about ane half the pond then the other half several weeks subsequently.
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- elden f on May xxx, 2018
- Purchased on Sep 20, 2017
Probably small boat would piece of work all-time..fifty-fifty a blow upnwould work, but you have to get into the center.
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- Thomas L on May 29, 2018
- Purchased on Oct 15, 2017
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Tin Diquat awarding accept any side furnishings on cat fishes?
BEST ANSWER: You should check the label to be sure. You can download it on Solution Stores website. Nearly aquatic herbicides will not hurt fish. I take used information technology for years in my swimming with no bug. I have bass and bluegill. Catfish feed on the bottom so would not exist in contact with the herbicide. But don't over practice it and try to kill all your weeds at in one case.
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- Jeff F on January 18, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 27, 2017
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Best ANSWER: You should check the label to be sure. You can download it on Solution Stores website. Most aquatic herbicides will not injure fish. I take used information technology for years in my pond with no problems. I accept bass and bluegill. Catfish feed on the lesser and then would not exist in contact with the herbicide. Only don't over do information technology and try to kill all your weeds at once.
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- Jeff F on Jan 18, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 27, 2017
My pond guy tells me information technology is totally safe for your fishes equally long equally you use the correct corporeality. I used it last year for the offset fourth dimension and my fishes are fine. Simply don't allow kids swim in information technology for a day afterwards treatment.
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- V R S on Jan 17, 2018
- Purchased on October 12, 2017
Don't know.......but would not be giving it to any fish i owned.........
If i wouldn't drink it.......i wouldn't feed it to critters i care virtually.
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- scott b on Jan 17, 2018
- Purchased on February 16, 2017
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My pond is completely covered past water hyacinth, is seems to be all dead because of the cold season. will this production clear it all away?
All-time ANSWER: Diquat is approved for water hyacinth control, but be sure to follow label directions carefully, or hire a professional pond company to apply it for best results. All-time to look until spring when the new
plants green up to apply
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- larry c on Feb 16, 2022
- Purchased on May 10, 2019
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BEST ANSWER: Diquat is approved for water hyacinth command, but be sure to follow characterization directions advisedly, or hire a professional pond company to apply it for best results. All-time to await until leap when the new
plants light-green up to employ
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- larry c on Feb 16, 2022
- Purchased on May 10, 2019
Alligare Diquat Herbicide volition treat still water ponds for water hyacinth.
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- Amanda C Staff on Feb xvi, 2022
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Tin can this transport to ny?
BEST ANSWER: The characterization states the following: "Not for Sale or Utilise in New York State without Supplemental Special Local Needs Labeling. Consult the responsible State Agencies. Necessary approval and/or permits must exist obtained prior to application if required."
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- Ed on Sep 7, 2021
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All-time Respond: The label states the following: "Not for Auction or Use in New York State without Supplemental Special Local Needs Labeling. Consult the responsible State Agencies. Necessary approving and/or permits must be obtained prior to application if required."
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- Ed on Sep 7, 2021
- Purchased on Jun nine, 2018
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BEST Answer: You can, merely it works on horsehair algae but not duckweed or watermeal.
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- Janet A on Apr eighteen, 2020
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BEST ANSWER: No. I have had previous experience using this production in the wholesale tropical fish manufacture with no ill effects on the aquatic life.
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- Paul Due east on Mar xv, 2020
- Purchased on May one, 2018
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BEST Respond: Any time target plant is actively growing with temps above freezing
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- Jim Eastward on Sep xiv, 2019
- Purchased on Sep 10, 2017
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How long will ane awarding last?
BEST ANSWER: I have a half acre surface area pond and accept fought diverse weeds for 25 years. 2 years agone I was told about diquat. I put a half gallon in each of the past ii Aprils and haven't had a weed since. Cutrine plus takes care of the algae. Am a happy camper.
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- V R S on Aug 15, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 12, 2017
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All-time Reply: I have a one-half acre surface area pond and have fought various weeds for 25 years. two years agone I was told about diquat. I put a one-half gallon in each of the past two Aprils and oasis't had a weed since. Cutrine plus takes intendance of the algae. Am a happy camper.
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- V R Southward on Aug 15, 2019
- Purchased on Oct 12, 2017
Usually if the infestation is caught in the early stages of growth, then one application should do information technology.
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- Robert South on Mar sixteen, 2020
- Purchased on May 23, 2018
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Best Answer: It kills the duckweed non whatsoever living creatures
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- Steve H on Oct 1, 2018
- Purchased on Aug two, 2018
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All-time ANSWER: I usually become on a two week max frequency to go on new growth downwardly and vary up to six weeks depending on flavour.....As well I found spraying but before dusk is most effective
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- Phil D on Sep 17, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
I believe it was 14 days apart but I didn't have to reapply. It worked ! Very delight #happynahnah
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- Jennifer Grand on Sep 17, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 6, 2018
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Inundated with duckweed in the swimming every twelvemonth. 9000 gallon pond. We have just added algaecide and muck remover to help the oxygen levels. The duckweed is but starting to spread here (maryland). How much would I need for 9000 gallons and how much wetting amanuensis? Nosotros volition be using a pump sprayer.
BEST Answer: The sprayer is 1/three ounce to one/2 per gallon...For a wetting agent a few drops of dawn works fine..Beginning with two calendar week intervals. It goes a long mode...but you really need to stay on top of it......
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- Phil D on Jun xviii, 2018
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BEST Respond: The sprayer is 1/iii ounce to 1/2 per gallon...For a wetting amanuensis a few drops of dawn works fine..Offset with ii week intervals. It goes a long style...merely you actually demand to stay on height of information technology......
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- Phil D on Jun 18, 2018
- Purchased on Apr 22, 2018
Lamentable I can't answer, nosotros are unsure how big our pond really is.
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- Vicki F on Jun eighteen, 2018
- Purchased on Mar 10, 2018
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BEST ANSWER: I have found it to exist very effective without the surfactant. You can e'er add a few drib of dawn dishwashing liquid to act as your surfactant.
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- Dracie C on Jul four, 2022
- Purchased on Mar fourteen, 2019
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